Meet this Moment

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Full disclosure, I’m in New Zealand but am keeping a close antenna to other places around the world, including with my own family who are in California, where residents are #stayinghome. We need discipline and accountability right now, we need to be realistic and help to take care of our communities in whatever ways we know how. The world is changed. Is changing. Will continue to change. Saturn’s ingress into Aquarius has clues for us which I’ll discuss future in a later post. For now, I’m close to the earth with the messages of Taurus and Capricorn. Listen to music, connect with the arts, whatever spiritual modality you’re compelled by, immune boosting behaviors, silence, nature, body, being.. we need to reassess our priorities. This time living in the unknown amidst such a powerful mirror of impermanence, who do we discover ourselves to be? Can we meet this moment within and without from our hearts? We have a long ignored opportunity to become comfortable with who we are, deeply. There is wisdom in no escape (again quoting Pema) - there is wisdom in being with whoever you are right now be it pouring rain or desert heat. May this period of unknowing brew in your being so that you will emerge a wise conduit of an uplifted world, with the water of Aquarian action and vision that will come into being later this year. We’re seeing droplets now. Where do you sense new beginnings? Where are the droplets of water touching and melting with your imagination? You have the time to dream the design you’ve always imagined for this earth. In whatever your room of this world, do consider what commitments you can make to help us all care for one another. We have a responsibility to meet what is unhealed with love because by doing so the organism of our global society is touched in ways imperceptible.